2021年6月入选Nano Research青年编委(Young Star Editor)

2021-06-12 16:26:58 213

 近日,课题组刘老师入选国产TOP期刊Nano Research新一届青年编委(Young Star Editor)

       On behalf of Nano Research, it is our pleasure to invite you to become the Young Star Editor of Nano Research. This is based on your outstanding scientific achievements and interactions and contributions to Nano Research in the past.



Nano Research》是一本国际化、多学科交叉的专业学术期刊。该期刊主要刊登纳米研究领域的高质量、原创性的研究论文和综述文章。2007年由清华大学出版社创办,2008年正式出刊,创刊一年半即被SCI收录(最新数据为8.183)2013年和2016年该期刊分别获得中国科技期刊国际影响力提升计划A类资助;2017年获得中国科技期刊登峰行动计划项目支持;2019年入选中国科技期刊卓越行动计划重点建设的22领军期刊。《Nano Research》先后荣获中国出版政府奖期刊奖”“中国百强科技期刊”“中国最具国际影响力学术期刊奖中国高校精品科技期刊奖等多个奖项。Nano Research is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary research journal launched by TUP and Springer in 2008. The journal offers a rapid publication route for comprehensive reviews as well as original research communications or full papers on all aspects of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Since the Journal was launched, Nano Research has been steadily growing in impact in the related disciplines. The latest Impact Factor was 8.183 according to 2020 Journal Citation Report.