


  • Collaboration for Research

I am very interested in establishing the collaboration in different countries, especially regarding collaboration to investigate the quantum degrees (spin, Valley, and charge) of freedom in 2D layered nanomaterials. I am skillful of the 2D materials preparation and devices fabrication, with opportunities for exploring the emerging 2D materials application. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you are interested in my research areas, and you require 2D layered monolayer high-quality samples (TMDCs, Alloy TMDCs, graphene, BP, ReS2, Bi2Se3, etc.) for research. Happy to collaborate in many ways or any way. Get in touch if interested, and we can discuss possible opportunities.

  • For Review paper

I have served on the review boards of various technical journals, including Nature CommACSELSEVIERRCS and AIP publishing journals. Any article/paper related to the quantum degrees (spin, Valley, and charge) of freedom in 2D nanomaterials, you can recommend me as a reviewer. I will finish the comments within ten days. The contact Email for review paper as below: (CSU) Email) Email)